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Alcohol Talk for Parents

There are plenty of people out there who will answer your kids’ questions about alcohol or listen to them if you don’t. The problem is, that they may be friends who are as confused as they are. Or there might be websites or people who could lead them astray. Saying nothing or evading the issue altogether, doesn’t mean the questions go away, they just go elsewhere. This isn’t meant to terrify you! it’s meant to (strongly!) encourage you to be the one to have the conversations with your kids.


Oh and It’s not just about ‘having the talk’. It’s definitely not a one-off lecture. It’s about building the habit of listening to each other and sharing thoughts and opinions, about negotiating and compromising. When your kids feel they can come to you about anything and you’ll listen with respect and answer to the best of your ability, just  watch, they’ll stay close and come to you more often. 


What’s not to celebrate about that?!

Drug Talk for Parents

This isn’t about ‘you’. This is about making sure your kids get the right information, at the right stage of their life in order to make informed and empowered choices. All kids are different. Some want to talk about all the things and others just need a bit here and there. Use your judgement. You know your kids better than anyone else.

Times are different now. Drugs are different now. So even if you’re nervous, don’t put off having the conversation. This is about your child’s future. These discussion notes and videos will definitely help make it easier.

Eating Disorder Talk for Parents

This may come as a bit of a surprise when you read this. Anorexia nervosa has the highest death rate of all mental health conditions. Bet you didn’t see that one coming. It was a surprise to us too.

For the eighth year in a row, young Australians have rated body image issues as one of the top four concerns in Mission Australia’s National Youth survey. The 2019 survey found that at least 1 in 4 young people have serious body image concerns.

Body image was recorded as one of the top four personal concerns for 33.5 per cent of young people when it comes to their mental health. Notably higher proportions of females (42.8% compared with 14.5% of males) were extremely or very concerned about body image.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females reported body image as the second most concerning personal issue, ahead of mental health.

Do you need any more proof as to why it’s a good idea to have the conversation with your kids?

Gender Based Violence Talk for Parents 

Gender based violence is beginning to get the attention it so desperately needs. It’s nowhere near enough though and it’s such an insidious, multi-layered topic that it’s going to take a while still, to really understand completely, let alone turn it around.

When talking about gender-based violence, kids need help to understand the difference between the inherent biological differences between males and females and the learned social and cultural differences. In many settings, men are expected to be strong, powerful, and in control, and women are expected to be submissive and obedient. How do these roles get played out in your household? Are you able to clearly define and spell out the connection between gender and violence?


If we’re really serious about instilling positive change, we’ve got to look at ways to address individual attitudes and behaviours, as well as those that exist at community, policy, and broader societal levels. It’s up to all of us to have these conversations with our kids and be the change Society so desperately requires.

Sexuality Talk for Parents

This topic is a minefield and is growing and changing day by day. Sexuality is an area that’s not going away. The acronym "LGBT" was once considered sufficiently representational of non-heterosexual sexuality and gender types. Not anymore!

A new Australian sex survey conducted by researchers at The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has listed a

whopping 33 options under the question "Which of the following terms do you feel best describes your gender?”

Can you explain the difference between "Pangender", "Poligender" and "Omnigender"? Can your kids? It's clear that sexual/gender identity is far more nuanced and complex than "LGBT" or "LGBTIQA+" would have us believe.


It’s the 21st Century. Get amongst it people.

Period Talk for Parents 

Periods shouldn’t be shameful or taboo. In fact, if they didn’t exist, neither would we. Use this program to normalise the conversation around menstruation and open your kids’ minds to the power of the menstrual cycle and everything related to it, including:

● Understanding what exactly a period is

● Learning what a ‘normal’ period looks like

● The impact on the environment

● The different types of sanitary products available

● The different cultures and traditions and how they navigate periods

● Helping boys feel more comfortable with the topic

● How to better understand your cycle and use it to your advantage

● Fun facts about menstruation

Sex Talk for Parents 

Sex isn’t a dirty word and neither should it be! After all, we’ve all done it (might not have enjoyed it every time, mind you!) Ignoring talking to your kids about it though really is foolish. Why? Because they’re curious and if you don’t talk to them about it, then rest assured, other people might and they might not be learning about it quite the way you’d like them to!


We understand it’s awkward for some people and that’s why we created Sex Talk! The videos take the sting out the conversation for you, opening the door for time sensitive discussions that no-one will regret having.

How many times have you heard people say ‘no-one talked to me about sex growing up’. Change the script for your kids, step up, be brave and show your kids they matter by respecting them enough to have the conversation. The discussion starters have been designed to help, in tandem with the videos. I challenge you to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Who knows, you might even learn something yourself. I know I did!

Suicide and Self Harm Talk for Parents

I lost my brother to suicide. He was 19. He was an amazing young human, with a twinkle in his eye, nerves of steel and the ability to be, do and have whatever he wanted. Clearly, he didn’t agree. It impacted us all and that’s a side to suicide that doesn’t get talked about.


Worryingly, I hear of more and more young people cutting themselves and attempting to take their lives in a way that I haven’t seen before. We can spend hours working out ‘why’ it’s happening, or we can take the initiative to talk to our young people about the topic, arm them with the signs to look for in their friends and take steps to prevent it, by bringing it out into the open and destigmatising it. These videos and discussion notes are designed to do exactly that.

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