Gender Based Violence Talk for Parents
Gender based violence is beginning to get the attention it so desperately needs. It’s nowhere near enough though and it’s such an insidious, multi-layered topic that it’s going to take a while still, to really understand completely, let alone turn it around.
When talking about gender-based violence, kids need help to understand the difference between the inherent biological differences between males and females and the learnt social and cultural differences. In many settings men are expected to be strong, powerful and in control, and women are expected to be submissive and obedient. How do these roles get played out in your household? Are you able to clearly define and spell out the connection between gender and violence?
If we’re really serious about instilling positive change, we’ve got to look at ways to address individual attitudes and behaviours, as well as those that exist at community, policy and broader societal levels. It’s up to all of us to have these conversations with our kids and be the change Society so desperately requires.